"What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?"
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Back To School Books

The days are getting shorter. Summer is coming to an end. We start seeing the school supplies in the aisles at the store. It means one thing, back to school time!  In this new transition, we put together a list of our favorite back to school books to get your family ready for the new year!  Before the beginning of the school, whether it’s the first year or third, these books help prepare your kiddos!

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Everyday M & K’s Back To School Book Picks:

Complete Back To School Book List

What are some of your favorite books to prepare your kids or yourself (we see you parents and guardians!)? Back to school also means meal planning and easy dinner recipes to help kick of the new year school a little less stressful. We hope you have a great year of school!

xo, M & K

*As Amazon Associates and LTK affiliates, we earn commissions from qualifying purchases when you use our links.