"What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?"

Boho Amazon Sweater

Katie and I are both huge fans of boho style clothing! When I saw this sweater, I was instantly drawn to it. I loved the style and shape of the sweater. I’m normally a neutral color girl, so at first I didn’t think that I would like the colors, but once I got it, I liked the sweater a lot.


It pairs well with black or regular denim. The black jeans I’m wearing are a staple in my winter wardrobe and I love how comfortable they are. Some jeans feel really stiff when you put them on, but these flex and flow with me while not stretching out.

Lastly, I threw on some black, studded flats (that are only $9!!!), but this outfit could easily transition into winter. Add some booties or winter boots and you’re all set! So I’m curious, are you a fan or more neutral colors or do you prefer bright and bold??

boho amazon sweater
boho amazon sweater

xo, M & K

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