"What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?"

Cheers to finding a great photographer!

Let’s cheers to finding a great photographer! When we first sat down to dream up this little blogging adventure, we really had no idea what we were getting into. We both had blogs prior to this, but never really figured out how to optimize them, much less monetize them. Blogging was a hobby to us, and for now, it pretty much still is. We took our own pictures, which consisted of our kids, food and the occasional selfie.

two professional women at a coffee shop with coffee mugs. Cheers!

Working full time keeps us plenty busy, but we enjoy blogging and didn’t want to give it up completely. We had worked together prior to this little adventure and knew we made a solid team. So, it was a pretty natural thought for us to team up and try and do this together! As we state in our blog description, life is better done together! 

So that leads us to these pictures. We knew we needed a little ‘branding photo shoot’ that we could use images from for our blog and social channels. Finding a great photographer was not an issue for us what-so-ever! We both knew right away that we wanted to ask Destiny if she would be interested. We both met Destiny years ago through Madison Mom’s Blog. Actually, that’s how we both met each other as well!

Find a photographer that you work well with!

She is SO talented and just such a genuinely nice person! Neither of us had ever had a branding photoshoot done or had pictures taken as ‘fashion bloggers’ so we really had no idea how it would work. Destiny suggested the location (Helbach’s Coffee Roasters in Middleton) and came prepared with so many cute ideas! She was fun and made us feel comfortable and we absolutely love the finished product! She gave us direction (SO important if you ask us!), didn’t make us feel rushed, and took so many shots we would’ve never thought of that are going to be so useful, especially on our social media channels.

Woman with a camera in a urban setting

Destiny is a Madison, Wisconsin based natural light photographer who focus on family, couples, and children. We have kind of claimed her as part of our little blogging family as she has been such a huge part of getting this little dream of ours off the ground! 

Here are a few images from our shoot with outfits linked!

professional women with computers
MELISSA: TOP (similar) | SKIRT (similar) | BOOTS (similar)
KATIE: TOP (similar 1 / similar 2) | PANTS | SHOES | EARRINGS (similar)
Professional woman working on a laptop by a window
Two women walking down a street and laughing. Urban setting.

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xo, M & K

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