"What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?"

Henley, Cropped Mom Jeans, and Tennis

Ok ladies, nothing overly exciting to look at here, but these are some pretty solid basics! Who doesn’t love a good henley and whether you like it or not, the crop mom jean is a trend! I, personally, am loving this trend. Like I said, I fought mom jeans for so long, but now I am not sure if I could ever go back to low-rise (ew!) or ever mid-rise! haha! Kidding, I don’t mind mid-rise, but as time goes on, high-rise is definitely my jam. (Jeans fit TTS)

My shoes are sold out, but these ones are on my wish list. Logan might kill me if I order another pair of tennis shoes, so can one of you please order these? I feel like someone needs to have them. I think they are SO dreamy! They keep popping up on all my social feeds just stalking me and enticing me to buy them, but I cannot break!

xo, M & K

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