When I first sat down to write this post, I was going to do a round up of all of my favorite workout clothes, but then I realized I really had so much more to talk about than just clothes because, in the end, who really cares what you are wearing as long as your body is moving. Working out has been a part of my daily routine for a very long time. It’s almost part of my routine as much as brushing my teeth. It makes me happy, in turn, making me a better mom, wife, employee and person. I workout for mental healthy way more than for physical. A firm booty and toned arms are just an added bonus. 😉

When I started to think about all of the clothes that I work out in and love, I realized there is only one thing that I am really pretty particular about when it comes to actual workout clothing and that is my bottoms. That being said, I am extremely particular about them! If there is one thing I know, it’s workout clothing! I spend a lot of time in them! 😉 If you ask me, a tank top is a tank top… for the most part. I am not overly particular about them.
I figure the reason why I am not overly particular about my sports bras is because I am quite small chested and any sports bra seems to do them job. 😉 That being said, you all know I loathe removable pads. I also do not love molded cups like these because I do not fill them out and they just end up awkwardly gapping and my boobs never really seem to match up with where the cups are placed on the bra. Does that make sense? So I guess let’s start there…
I have gone to the ends of the earth to find good sports bras with SWEN IN (non-removable), but NOT molded cups. Sadly, my search ended in LOTS of returns and only two bras that I really loved. Drum roll please…. here they are:

These four sports bras have removable padding, but I love them anyways.
I absolutely LOVE ‘polling the audience’ and seeing what you ladies suggest! Thousands women watch our IG stories every single day and there are always a few ‘stand out’ suggestions. It is one of the many cool parts about having such a large community of women. THANK YOU for giving your input and feedback. We really appreciate it and it allows us to provide a more inclusive and well rounded post for all of you!
These have all been designed for running and I have honestly never been unhappy with a lulu product. It’s on the pricy side, but worth it IMO.
Ok, Let’s get into bottoms. Workout bottoms for me mean either shorts and leggings. I LOVE joggers, but I do not work out in them. I am also not into skorts unless playing golf or tennis. That’s just my personal preference. Let’s start with leggings.
These two lululemon leggings are my favorite – the aligns for everyday wear and yoga and the wunder unders for high impact workouts. I have tried on so many different brands of leggings and for me, lulus are just my all time favorite. Yes, Yes, I have tried Athleta and I like them (don’t get me wrong), but for the same price point, I just like lulus better.

– Medium Impact
I wear and XS – TTS
Even though I am only particular about my sports bras and workout bottoms, doesn’t mean I don’t have other things I love when it comes to working out! Here are a few of my favorite things:

I have all of these underwear and I love all of them! All great and hight recommended! I wear the 5 pack (pastels) for everyday wear as well.
If you don’t take care of your body, where are you going to live?
– unknown
Now let’s talk about the important stuff, the part where you actually move your body. I have loved moving my body for as long as I can remember. First it was dance, then diving team and water ballet, and later on came gymnastics and competitive cheerleading. Then, like we all do, I grew up and ‘working out’ became my source of movement instead of sports. Working out and moving my body feels very essential to me – not because I HAVE to out of hate or dislike for my body, but because I GET to and it makes me a happier person.
That being said, that has not always been my story. I suffered from an eating disorder in college for about two years. Those two years held some of my darkest moments of my life. I will not get into all of the details of it in the post, but I wanted to mention it for a few reasons – #1. I have been around the block when it comes to my relationship with my body, the gym, and food. I know what’s like to feel happy and confident and what it feels to be so driven by perfection that it controls every aspect of my life. Resulting in a very unhealthy relationship with my body. Basically, what I am saying is that I’ve been on both sides of the fence.
#2. In the world of blogging and ‘influencing’ (Melissa and I both hate that word) there is a lot of fake BS. My life has just as many ups and downs as all of yours, trust me. We never want to anyone to ever think it’s any other way. That is why both M and I choose to talk about and tell our hardships. We are not in the business of ever making you feel less than. We are in the business of letting you know you belong and you are not alone. So if hearing the rough road to loving my body may help someone else, then I will tell it, just not in this post. It’s a story for another day… and blog post. 😉
DID YOU KNOW that when we exercise, the body releases chemicals that boost your sense of well-being and suppress hormones that cause stress and anxiety?! Among the chemicals released are endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine neurotransmitters which are related to pain and depression emotions.
In clinical studies, regular aerobic exercise is as effective as antidepressants in reducing symptoms of mild to moderate depression.
– pubmed.gov
Just like your running shoes, workouts are very specific to the individual. Some women love to run while other’s love to lift weights. Some like to put in their headphone and really ‘focus in’ at the gym with people around them, but NOT actually talk to them, while others prefer to be alone in their own home gym. Others like group fitness classes with a solid 20 minutes of chit chat and stretching after. We are all different.
If you are me, you 100% feel that variety is the spice of life! I like all of the things listed above, but my favorite workouts are group fitness ones with friends followed by lots of stretching and chit chat. 😉 I have a few suggestions when trying to find a workout that works for you. And just because it works for you now, doesn’t mean it is what will work for you in the future. It’s good to switch things up. For me, it’s essential.
Tips on how to find a workout you love and stick with it so it becomes a routine that you love:
- Find a workout buddy with similar fitness abilities. My workout gal pal is my neighbor Michele. We are at similar fitness levels and we both love hard, intense workouts that challenge us. We are also both up for trying anything and we live right across the street from each other, so it makes it super easy to go for a run, a power walk, or sneak in a garage gym workout! We also both love to bake an insane amount of muffins (lol) and love to share healthy recipes! A workout buddy will also keep you accountable. It’s not as easy to sleep in when you know your friend is counting on you!
- If you like it, you will keep doing it. If you live in a city that offers Class Pass, sign up! You pay for credits (there are several different levels to pick from) and each class costs a different number of credits. If it’s a popular class, the credit amount will be higher. It’s is a time or class that is less desired with less attendees, it will “cost” you less credits. PROS: You get to try several different gyms before committing to one (if you even want to) and you get to try all kinds of different forms of movement and gyms. Not all gym experiences are created equal and this Class Pass lets you ty them all out. What if you don’t use all of your credits that month? They roll over!!! It’s great!! CONS: Not all gyms are part of it and you may not feel a sense of community that you may feel at a gym that you belong to.
A new habit usually takes a little more than 2 months — 66 days to be exact — and as much as 254 days until it’s fully formed.
– Phillippa Lally; a health psychology researcher at University College London
- Give it enough time to make it a habit that you truly enjoy. Waking up early is hard, but it get’s so much easier after doing it for two weeks. You body adjusts. Keep at it. Just set a goal and hit it. What if you made the goal of working out four times a week for 36 weeks?! (that’s almost the suggested 254 days!) I bet you would be thanking yourself on week 36. 😉
- Build a community. Get to know your trainers and the people in your classes. Not only will you go to the gym to burn calories and work your muscles, but to catch up and connect with your friends. Gyms can be so much more than just a place where you go to sweat. I have met some of my best girlfriends through the gym! It’s also a great way to meet like-minded people who care about their health and fitness!
- Make a plan. You know the saying “Fail to plan, plan to fail” – well it’s true. We are busy, so we need to P-L-A-N when we are going to get our workouts in. So many people say they do not have time to work out and I call BS. Sorry, I do not mean to offend, but I believe where this is a will, there is ALWAYS a way. We make time for what matters to us. If you don’t have time, you don’t care enough about it to make it a priority and that is 100% ok. Being physically active isn’t for everyone, but when you decide it is, you have to commit and make a plan. Again, I reference back to my first tip: find a friend to make a plan WITH! Michele and I plan our workouts together. Not every day, but a few days a week. We are both busy with different schedules, so it’s not possible all the time, but even a few times a week is a game changer!
Apps / classes I personally LOVE:
Running. I love to run… like once (maybe twice) a week. I went through a time in my life where I ran A LOT, but I’m not currently in that stage. I like to put on a good playlist and just go. It’s also a great way to get outside and it gives me a lot of ‘me time’ to just think. I much prefer running outdoors than on a treadmill. I also love to PR on runs. It’s so cool to see where I start each spring and end each fall. My favorite app to use while running is runkeeper by asics. I am not a winter runner. I throw my shoes in for the winter months.

Bootcamp. I’ve done several bootcamp group classes. Burn Bootcamp will always be my favorite when it comes to this style of group fitness. If you are looking for community, Burn is your place! They have a community like no other! The women are fabulous, as are the trainers. A few downfalls to large group fitness classes (IMO) are that it can sometimes be hard to get the attention you need when it comes to form, simply because there are so many people for the trainer to train at once. If you are a competitive soul, it can be hard not to push yourself in a group setting, which is great if you are in working order, but not so much if you are nursing an injury. It’s hard not to go all out. There is just something about the group setting with the music blaring that just makes you want to bring your A game! I belonged to burn for a little over two years and I was probably in the best shape of my life (physically) during that time. That being said, I went 6 days and gave it my all almost every time. I could rep out TWELVE unassisted pull ups at that time. There is no way I could do that now. I love bootcamp because it usually provides a good mix of cardio and weights and the trainers always push you.

Barre. OH.MY.GOSH. I have really gotten into barre over the past few months. I currently go to The Barre Code two times and week and I am loving it so so much. Barre is a rigorous workout that blends elements from different exercise styles including ballet, pilates, and yoga. It it a lot of small movements that work the smaller muscles you are not as used to using. IT IS HARD. Whoever thinks barre is easy hasn’t taken the classes I have. haha! There was one class where we were on our hands and knees pulsing one leg with a kettle bell hanging off our foot and I legit thought I was going to die. It’s a great full body workout, but it especially works the booty! I have been to three barre studios around Madison and my favorite is The Barre Code – Madison West Studio off of University. I love it because they offer not only barre, but Brawl (kickboxing), weight training, and bootcamp! I am all about the variety, so this is super important to me! My favorite is Brawl! If you decide to try brawl, just know this: It took Michele and I a good 4 times of going to feel like we even kind of got it. You basically learn a new routine every class and it takes a minute to get used to the format and moves. Tip: Pick a spot at the back of the class at first and KEEP GOING. It gets way easier and it’s so much fun!

Peloton Bike and App.
We got our Peloton in January of 2020 – right before the pandemic hit! We were so lucky we got it when we did because once all the gyms were closed the bike became a hot commodity with a waiting list for months. Everyone asks: IS THE BIKE WORTH THE PRICE?! My opinion is YES. Here is why:
- It has been the most convenient workout, especially during the pandemic. If you are a mom who is trying to work your workout routine around kids at home, Peloton is a great option. You can workout at any time right in your home and because the instructors are so good, it’s doesn’t feel like you are alone. IMO it’s 500 times more motivating than Beach Body. I actually think the BB workouts are good, but the instructors are WAY too scrpited for my liking. I cringe at times. Please don’t hate me for saying that, it’s just my honest opinion.
- The programming is amazing. They organize the classes by length, instructor, music genre, and type of workout. When I say ‘type of workout’ I mean workouts like beginner, low impact, live DJ (love these b/c the DJ is fun as hell), pro cyclist, climb, heart rate zone, intervals and arms (yes, you do arms on the bike and it’s great!), tabata, power zone, and scenic rides. There is honestly something for everyone and they make it really easy to find what you are looking for with how the menus are organized.
- The instructors are the best and you feel like you are actually working out right along with them. They are just so dang good. I have my favorites for sure and I wouldn’t say I love them all, but the ones I love, I REALLY LOVE.
My favorite bike instructors:
Ally Love | I highly recommend doing her ‘Sundays with Love’ rides. I am not a religious person, but I LOVE these rides. They are faith based and spiritually grounded. There is always a really good message in her ride that I can get something out of.
Cody Rigsby | I love his arms and interval rides. He’s the most entertaining instructor by far. If you want a good laugh and don’t mind some inappropriate jokes, he is your guy. Oh and he loves Brittany Spears and tells you to shake your titties. I am there for it.
Robin Arzón | She gives me all the ‘girl power’ vibes and gives me the pep talk I need some days. She just had a baby and I cried when she announced her pregnancy on a ride and her husband came on stage. I was literally sobbing with happy tears.
Tunde Oyeneyin | She is super motivational and, IMO, the hardest instructor. She’s a beast.
My favorite mat instructors: (meaning weights, cardio and bike bootcamp)
Adrian Williams | His workouts are always so well rounded with mobility and variety. He’s also really nice to look at. 😉
Jess Sims | SHE’S MY GIRL. I just love her. He workouts are challenging and she always keeps you moving. She’s also so very likable and keeps me entertained with her commentary. I would like to be her friend IRL.
Tunde Oyeneyin | She does mat workouts as well as bike ones. She’s just fabulous and like I stated above, she teaches a challenging class and I love a good challenge.
4. It’s more than just a bike. So many people say that Peloton is so much money to pay for just cycling, but it’s not. It’s also everything I talked about in point #2. It’s cycling, bike bootcamp and TONS of different mat workouts. I am a fan. Can you tell?
DISCOUNT CODE: Do you want $100 off on accessories when you order your bike? Use code CKU6NQ. Accessories mean things like your bike shoes, the mat to put your bike on, weights, etc.)

Nourish Move Love.
If you’ve been following us for the past few months, you know Lindsey of Nourish Move Love. She is absolutely amazing and again, a girl I would like to be friends with in real life. She has an entire youtube library full of free (yes, FREE) workouts for literally everyone. She has such a wide variety of workouts: legs, arms, abs, full body, no repeats, banded, bodyweight, low impact (no jumping), HIIT, AMRAPS, EMOMS, pyramids, partner workouts, yoga, prenatal, etc. You name it, she’s got it. She also have recipes and workout plans and challenges that are all linked in these great PDF calendars. M&K has now done three workout challenges with her through a facebook group and they are so fun! Feel free to join us for the next one if you are interested! Just join the group. It blows my mind that all of her workouts are free. It’s an amazing resource.
Workout Equipment:
I use a minimal equipment: Bands (two kinds) and dumbbells. I will also link our gym flooring because it is a question I get asked quite a bit. THIS is how I use the longer bands. Here are the ring mounts I would suggest using if you want to do this.
Ok, I think that completes my very long post about all things WORKING OUT! I am sure I will add to this post as time goes on and I think of more things to add! It will forever be evolving! Please let me know if you ever have any questions. The best way to get ahold of us is message us through Instagram at @everdaymandk.