"What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?"

Pen Pal Program with FREE Printables and Ideas

What is the Pen Pal Program with FREE printables and ideas and how to you get involved?! Well, we will tell you just what it is and all the details you will need to know right here in this post!

What is the Pen Pal Program?

We had an idea! In this hard season of social distancing, let’s revert back to the good old days and put actual pen to paper! Or in this case, glitter glue, crayons, markers, stickers, you name it! 😉 Let’s connect our kids without physically connecting them through a PEN PAL PROGRAM! Heck, most of our kids don’t even know what a pan pal is! Well, it’s time to educate them on what it was like when we were kids! They can experience the excitement of rushing to the mailbox to see if a letter came for JUST FOR THEM!

pen pal program with free printable and ideas and a little girl standing outside by the mail box to put her pen pal letter in the mailbox

Let’s get them asking questions, making new friends, introducing themselves, telling each other what makes them happy and brings them JOY! They can share their ups and downs and fun ideas to stay busy at home! They can decorate their letters and envelopes and practice their writing skills! (Yup, it’s a ‘Mom School’ writing lesson!)

How it works

Send an email to [email protected] with the following info. Please make the subject of the email ‘Pen Pal Program’ and please send one email per child.

Your Child’s:
Mailing Address:

We already have over 100 kiddos involved, but we will add more in as more requests are made!

Every now and again we will post new templates to this ‘Pen Pal Program with FREE printables and ideas’ post. We will also be adding in ideas like writing prompts, what you can send in the mail, creative ways to decorate and or make their envelopes, etc. Please watch our social accounts for when these things are posted!

FREE Printable #1:

a pen pal letter template on a clipboard with a computer keyboard, markers, chocolate, washi tape, a fun notebook and color swatches.

Please click HERE for our very first FREE PRINTABLE!

Click HERE for FREE Pen Pal Printable #2:

Need some delicious and easy snack ideas for the kids while we are all home? Check these out!

xo, M & K

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