"What if I fall? Oh, but my darling, what if you fly?"

Safe Swaps – Where do I start?

Safe Swaps – Where do I start? Is part two of our safe swap series.  Last week, I shared the post “Safe Swaps – Why Should I Care?” I wrote that post to hopefully get you thinking about what you put on your body.  My goal was to make a case for why I believe what we put on our body matters just as much as what we put in our body. I shared studies and got a lot of great feedback (and questions) from so many of you.  

safe swaps - where do I start with an image of makeup

Are you ready to make some safe swaps for your family?  Starting small is the key. I believe that making these changes is worth it for your health and your family’s in the long run. Body burden is the gradual build up of toxins in your body over time.  Our bodies were never meant to process the quantity of chemicals and environmental toxins that we are exposed to daily.  That being said, we struggle to process and eliminate them, so they build up. The more exposure we have, the more build up that exists in our bodies. By making these small changes, you can make positive changes in your future health. 

Safe swaps – “Know better, do better”

It is hard to make safe changes when you just don’t know.  But my mantra is, “Know better, do better.” I’m here to make it easy for you to swap out those products for safer ones.  You can start one room at a time as you go through products, or swap out the whole house all at once. It’s totally up to you! If you wait until February, we have something fun up our sleeves. 😉 

Melissa & Katie holding safe swaps

So this week, now that I have hopefully gotten some of you on board, my goal is to help you get started.  Before I personally started making changes, it felt very overwhelming. I didn’t want to break the bank every month buying products for our home.  But let me reassure you that I will help you get started and give you some resources and options that are cost effective.  

Coming soon…

Starting in February, I will be posting every Sunday night, going room by room and sharing some of my favorite safe swaps. For now, I want to leave you with some resources. You don’t have to be a chemical expert or master ingredient label reader. There are so many resources these days that take the guess work out of it. Here are a few of my favorites.

Think Dirty App

This is one of two apps that I am going to recommend. Think Dirty makes it super easy for you to figure out which products in your house are safe and which ones pose risks. It numbers each product and ingredient 1-10 and you can read what it is and learn more about it. You can scan products in or you can search for them. If you scan something that has some risk, a tab at the top gives you safe swaps.

Healthy Living App

This app is very similar to Think Dirty. It also numbers the product and I like to use the two to cross reference products. The Seventh Generation Free and Clear Hand Soap for example, scores a 0 on Think Dirty and a 2 on Healthy Living. Either way, it’s my choice of soap because it’s a safer choice and I can grab it at Target.


The EWG is a great resource if you’re interested in learning more about the laws, specific toxins, and current research that is taking place. Their goal is to help people live healthier lives in a healthy environment. The EWG Skin Deep website is also a great resource. You can’t scan products like you can with the two apps I mentioned previously, but you can search products. It has been a great resource for me as well, as I have been swapping out products in my own home.

My favorite safe swaps are coming

So stay tuned – I will be sharing all of my personal favorites! There is more to come in February. Until then, I encourage you to check out these resources and learn more so when it comes to making the swaps, you’re ready!

xo, M & K

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