This Teacher ‘Favorite Things’ Survey isn’t our answer to all of the problems in our society, but it’s one way we can help! We talked a lot about teachers this week and shared ideas on how we can support them and make them feel loved and cared for. One of you mentioned doing a ‘Favorite Things’ survey to better understand each teacher’s preferences.
We shared this in our stories and got a lot of requests for the form they used. So we made our own! The form below is available for download! Teacher Appreciation week is coming up the second week of May, and this would be a great thing to give your child’s teacher before that!
So often, I find myself thinking I need to do big things to make people feel special and loved. But often it’s the small things that are the differences makers. The day to day things. The “thank yous”. The coffee or little treat that go a long way.
So let’s love on our teachers this week and the rest of this year! We hope you find this Teacher ‘Favorite Things’ Survey printable helpful!